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Behind the Wheel Training for age 18 and under:
-Must have a VA Learners Permit
-Must have passed Driver's                 Education Classroom or Online Course 
-Working on 45 Hour Log
-$285.00 per student under 18 years old Payment by Venmo or
Checks made payable to
Driver's EDge, LLC 
Behind the Wheel for adults over the age of 18 years: 
-$350. 00 per 

Call or Email
to Schedule! 

Call or Email to schedule Behind the Wheel :


Payment Methods:


If using Venmo: @DriversEDgeLLC


You can also pay by personal check:


Driver's EDge, LLC

Individual Driving Lessons for Teens and Adults
-Each lesson is an hour in length.
-Professional coaching with verbal and written feedback
-Suggestions for practice
-One session is $85.00
-5 pack of sessions for $400.00

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